Saturday, 26 September 2015

Guys : 9 Major reasons you are rejected by woman

Men have you been rejected by a woman before? It will surely be one of these 9 reasons.

Find out why you got rejected, and learn how to stay in the game! By Eli Walton from LP.

There are a number of reasons why a woman might say no to a man. Most at times, the guy has some control over it, although not all the times. Sometimes it’s you, and sometimes it’s not.

Women get hit on and talked to by guys a lot. In one way this works against you, as you’re just another guy trying to chat her up.

But if you can follow the rules, it will work for you. Most of the guys hitting on a woman are creeps, or jerks, or just disrespectful. In order to get it girl it doesn’t take too much to stand out above those men.

Here are some of the reasons why women say NO to men.

1: Being too cocky:

Arrogance is the way some guys cope with their perceived shortcomings. For whatever reason, they think that coming off as cocky guy will cover up the fact that they’re insecured or short or a bore or whatever. It never works. Being yourself, whoever that is, conquers arrogance any day,anytime.

Take the things you might be cocky about and downplay them, or better yet, don’t even talk about them until they come up naturally in conversation. Maybe you have a good job or a nice car. Maybe you’re a good athlete. Whatever it is, she’ll find out in due course, and will be much more impressed than if you just said it out.

2: Lacking in confidence:

One of the best quality that women value most in men is self-confidence. More than good looks, money, a great job or a sense of humor, a self-assured man is extremely attractive to any women. But too many guys miss use cockiness for confidence, and the two are just opposites.

A confident man doesn’t brag.He is decisive. He is respectful towards women, polite to waiters, charming, and an all around gentleman. This is something that all guys should practice inthier life’s.

3: Out of your league(not your level):

Sometimes, a guy gets rejected because he aimed too high. Let’s face it, there are some women that most guys will never have a chance with. It might be because of their looks or money or age or whatever else. For example If you shoot for stars, you can’t be surprised if you crash land.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try, though. Sometimes, the prettiest girl at the dance stays alone because everyone is too afraid to approach her. Speak to a woman like this with self-confidence and politeness, and you never know how successful you might become. Just be prepared that you could easily be shot down. But remember rejection is not the end of the world, as long as you can handle it well.

4: Too self-involved:

It’s unbelievable the number of guys that, when with a woman on their first date, spend an entire evening talking about themselves. Whatever goes through their heads when they do this, either thinking the women are impressed, or that it’s their duty to do all the talking for the woman, they are wrong.

Women hate this type of guys. Even if you really did scale the Himalayas, shut up about it anyway. If she wants to hear more, she’ll ask you. Women are much more impressed by guys who show interest in her life and career.Guys! get over yourself or you’ll stay alone.

5: Fouling the waters:

Unfortunately, bad hygiene is also a common reason that make women reject men. Luckily, it is an easily preventable one. It’s pretty simple. Wash yourself, brush your teeth, wear clean clothes, run a comb through your hair, and you’re pretty much there. It’s easy for guys to get cleaned up and ready to go out. Put in that minimal effort.So guys watch out because If you’re not clean, you will be rejected.

6: Poor performance:

Rejection doesn’t just happen at the first encounter. You might have already gone on a few dates, or even slept together. Any of these reasons can still apply after the initial meeting. This one can only apply once you’ve slept together. Maybe you just didn’t please her.

Women have 5:exual needs just like men do. If a guy isn’t meeting those needs, then she very well might reject him because of it. Most women are pretty understanding, and as long as a guy is making the effort, she should help him figure out what her needs are. But if a guy is just a selfish lover, putting his own pleasure before hers, then he will have only himself to blame when she stops answering his calls.

7: Just not her type:

Sometimes, a guy is just not what a woman is looking for. It could be something about personality or maybe she might not just be physically attracted to him. Maybe the chemistry isn’t there for her. There’s not much you can do about this, other than just accept it.

Again, rejection happens. If you approach her in a gentlemanly way, she will be polite about it. You should be, too. There’s nothing worse than a guy who gets bitter, whiny or angry over rejection. Guys do you know that ,knowing how to accept rejection is part of being self-confident enough to approach a woman in the first place.

8: He’s kind of a prick:

Everyone’s heard it before, that nice guys finish last, and that women like a:ssholes. It’s impossible to deny that there’s some truth to this, but do you really want to be with a woman who likes guys who are jerks? Take the high road and be a gentleman, and you’ll do much better.

This might be the most common reason of all that women reject men. Guys are rude towards women either because that’s how they are, or how they’ve convinced themselves that they need to be. It’s a terrible approach. If you’re a jerk to her, she will shoot you down. and guys guess what its going to be a richly deserved rejection.

9: Just not in the cards:

Sometimes, you’re just unlucky. You approach a woman you’re into, whom on any other day might like you, too. But for whatever reason, she’s having a bad day. Maybe she had a fight with a friend or a bad day at work or maybe she’s just under the weather. You’ve got to accept that there’s always an element of chance to things, and sometimes, the timing just isn’t right.

Rejection is a normal part of the game, and it’s important to learn to accept it and bear it. But if you can avoid these common mistakes, it will be something you have to deal with less frequently.

Try to fix the mistakes you’re doing wrong, and accept that there are some things you can’t change.

credit to TMG

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